Sunday, October 5, 2008

#113 - The ultimate brotherhood - no borders, no fear

The original intent of this cartoon was to take advantage of the sequence of the words “NO TRESPASSING” to read “UNO DOS TRES PASSING,” which in turn creates a different perception. Hence, the original title: “Perception/misperception.” It was never intended to be a commentary on a perceived political hot potato. However, I allowed a particular response to give myself cause to withdraw the cartoon. For a moment I forgot the lessons I’ve been learning. Fortunately, I’ve been given some wonderful reminders, and they are indeed worth sharing.
The first lesson is this: “Teach no one he has hurt you, for if you do, you teach yourself that something not of God HAS power over you” (A Course In Miracles).
The second lesson is this: For as long as you believe that your well-being is dependent on external factors beyond yourself, you give your power away, power that is of God, because “the Kingdom of God is within you” (Luke 17:21 and ACIM).

Taking the opportunity to repost this cartoon gives me an opportunity to define it more appropriately: Borders are a man-made defense, and defense of anything is a block to the awareness of the presence of Love. The only way we’re going to get to Heaven is when we let those defenses down and truly “Love our neighbor as ourselves.”
As Forrest Gump would say, “That’s all I have to say about that.”
With Love,

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